The New Office Experience Is A Social Hub: Workers Weigh In

May 6, 2021

New Kadence study reveals employee expectations around hybrid working.

San Francisco and London May 6 2021: More than a third (37%) of US and UK office workers describe the prospect of going back to the office as the equivalent of going out to meet with friends, according to a new study by Kadence, surveyed over 1,500 office workers in the UK and US.

Over a quarter (28%) of respondents also said they are now prepared to spend more money and commute for longer to reunite with colleagues. Many also anticipate easier collaboration (60%), and better productivity (52%) once they get there.

Hybrid work to become the norm

The study also confirms recent Microsoft research findings which suggest that hybrid home and office working schedules are expected to become a widespread norm. Kadence’s survey found that over half (54%) expect to visit the office between two and three days a week. Approaching four in 10 (38%) also expect to choose when they come to the office and when they leave.

Concerns about returning to the office

However, it also revealed that many workers are nervous about workspace logistics, post-lockdown. A third expect the chance to book a particular desk before going to the office, and feel there will be more competition for the best seats and locations. Meanwhile, a quarter (25%) worry about being able to find the right kind of working or collaborative spaces. Over a third (34%) expect their employers to make more collaborative zones available (34%), while almost four in 10 want extra quiet working areas (37%).

Dan Bladen Co-Founder and CEO at Kadence comments on the findings: Many people are understandably excited about the return to the office, with over half (55%) stating that chance encounters and conversations with colleagues are amongst the best things about the office experience.

However, our study also exposes concerns around what they might find when they actually arrive. People are anxious about whether the work environment will be optimized for their needs. Also, many employees now expect the ability to control where they sit when they return to the office more regularly.

New desk and space software to facilitate collaboration

Kadence has launched Kadence Wx to enable teams and individuals to collaborate, connect and increase productivity in the hybrid environment without distraction. It enables employees to reserve particular desks or office neighborhoods before visiting. Designed as a new operating system for hybrid work, Kadence Wx empowers managers and teams to efficiently optimize and curate face-to-face collaboration in a hybrid environment.


Bladen continues: We’ve all become more intentional about when and where we choose to work. Organizations who can provide certainty and control for staff as they transition to hybrid working patterns will reap productivity and wellbeing rewards.

Despite this, over half (52%) of survey respondents said their employer is yet to provide guidance or support on managing these adjustments. Regardless of whether teams are synchronous or asynchronous in nature, when it’s time to collaborate Kadence Wx removes the friction around work coordination – allowing employees to focus their talents more productively.

To find out more about our research findings, watch our webinar here