3 Tips For Putting Your People’s Mental Health First in the Office

  • Author Helen Attia, VP Sales & Relationships

It’s World Mental Health Day on Sunday (10 October).

In the US, one in five adults suffer from mental health difficulties every year – that’s over 50 million people. We’re in the midst of a health crisis, made worse by a pandemic that amplified anxiety and cut off support.

As a business and an employer, we recognize the role we must play in promoting wellbeing. The average person will spend one third of their life at work. That puts a heavy weight on our shoulders. A responsibility to ensure our people are well looked after and feel supported. To do anything less would be letting them down.

Promoting wellbeing at work doesn’t have to involve grand gestures. It’s as simple as giving employees a voice; celebrating individual effort and contribution; enabling personal growth. Small cultural shifts that can have a big impact.

The business case for workplace wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing is non-negotiable. It needs to rank highly on every business’s priority list.
If you have shareholders to convince, explain to them how it’s a no-brainer from a business point of view. Happy and fulfilled employees will be more creative, loyal and energized. They’ll deal with stressful situations calmly. They’ll help others grow. They’ll work harder. They’ll deliver great customer service.

A business known for looking after its employees will attract and retain the best talent, giving them an edge and fueling growth. The shift to hybrid has resulted in a shift in power. Employees now expect a bigger say in how and where they work. If you’re not focused on the employee experience, you’re not in with a shout in the market for top talent.

What’s more, customers will choose you because they know you treat people well. Investing in wellbeing is investing in a long term, sustainable business.

Hybrid workplace is fuelling a work-life balance revolution

The hybrid work revolution is well underway, and a better work-life balance is one of its biggest benefits. It brings flexibility and autonomy to the working day. It shows trust and helps employees fit work into their life, rather than let it consume them.

Finishing in time to see your kids. Working from home to ease the burden of life admin. Making space in your day to socialize with colleagues. Taking a walk at lunchtime. Small things that all add up to better mental health.

Time to prioritize employee wellbeing

When all is said and done, there aren’t any good reasons not to prioritize employee wellbeing. At Kadence, it’s core to our mission. It rings true on a personal, business, and societal level.

Of course, actions speak louder than words. We’re on a journey to embed people-first principles throughout our organization. If you’re an employer, we call on you to join us.