It makes sense to make your beloved spaces bookable, and accessible for your teams, with tools that encourage them to use them right? We think so too. You see, spaces are meaningless unless they’re being used for a purpose, and now that people are chomping at the bit to return to the spaces they love whether, for social connection or team collaboration, it would be wise to have something in place to enable your people to check in easy.
You may even be wondering that the problem isn’t in managing spaces or making bookings, but rather in making it easier for your people to book, and access those spaces, in the moment or ahead of time. If that’s you, and you’re tired of being the ‘space booking, and check-in cops’, look no further because we’ve got you covered with this latest set of features.
Getting to the office early for scheduled meetings, or to use the space you’ve pre-booked is better than arriving late, fact! Sometimes it cannot be helped, but for the most part, getting in the office early doors is never a bad thing.
An evolution on checking into spaces and a much-requested feature by many now means all Kadence users can check into their bookings early on the same day if their spaces are available. With this new feature, your people no longer need to wait for their booking to start before they can start on their day.
When it comes to managing your spaces, and maintaining some level of organization, and order, one fundamental problem businesses are experiencing with other platforms is knowing what to do when people don’t show up to their bookings. If there is anything in a hybrid workplace that causes as much strain on the sheer amount of wasted time having to rectify this issue it’s this one! However, in most cases, there is always a genuine reason why someone might be late for their booking, and for those that have childcare responsibilities, or had their train canceled, losing your spot to work in the office that day just doesn’t seem fair.
Having more Auto-release options (1 hour, 1.5 hours, 2 hours & 3 hours) gives Admins far more flexibility when it comes to managing bookings, and ensures that you and your people get the spaces you need when you need them.
When you’re planning to come to the office, and you’re wanting to see who’s there, and what spaces are available that day, this newest feature makes your preferred place to work your default location. So whenever you go to see what spaces are available on the web app, you’re right where you need to be.
Making it easy for your people to make space bookings, and check into those spaces is the only way to go when it comes to organizational hybrid working. It not only encourages your people to come to the office, and not waste bookings, but it means your spaces are being used in the ways that they are intended. Remember, spaces are meaningless unless they’re being used for a purpose, and now with these new features, you can make it easier than ever for your teams to enjoy them.
Interested in getting started? Kick off your free trial today or get in touch with our team for a demo.
Do you have trouble getting your teams into the office?
Book a demo with our team to discover how we can help you create a hybrid workplace for your people.