In this post, we are looking at how Kadence supports ‘back to the workplace’ in a post-COVID-19 world, supporting and facilitating new cleaning regimes and social distancing via our space usage analytics.
Space utilization analytics enables operations staff to quickly identify high traffic areas and can be used to divert employees to less congested areas where it’s easier to maintain social distancing. Facilities managers can also monitor regular cleaning of desk areas, based on usage data, ensuring they have a quick cleaning turn around and are available for use. Enabling social distancing and monitoring sanitary standards means employees have peace of mind in the workplace, and also helps maintain the wellbeing and health of staff in the workplace.
3. Kadence’s hyperlocal data shows you how intensively a space is used over time. In a desk hoteling environment, a digital check-in process and the resulting data informs cleaning schedules, to make sure desks are sanitized between users.
4. Having a real-time view of your spaces enables informed decisions and gives the best chance in supporting your employees and their needs.
5. Kadence’s real-time occupancy data shows you which areas in your spaces are currently being used, and whether employees are keeping to social-distancing measures in the office.
6. Our Insights dashboard gives you an overview of occupancy across any building, floor, office neighborhood or desk – for complete control and also to compare how spaces are being used by type and location to make better future reconfiguration decisions.
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